How to Host a CTDC Meeting
CTDC proposals from IUTOX Member Societies to host a CTDC must be sent in the form of a proposal to the Secretary-General of IUTOX who will report the proposal to the Executive Committee for evaluation.
Proposals should be received by the Secretary-General at least six months prior to the meeting at which they are to be considered. The following issues should be considering when preparing a proposal:
- The proposal shall be presented in a written form to the Secretary-General of IUTOX.
- The material must include the proposed dates and venue of the CTDC. The society should indicate how it plans to organize the meeting, and include names of key individuals within the organizing committee, e.g. the president, treasurer, chairperson of the program committee, and chairperson of the local organizing committee.
- A detailed budgetary plan for the expenses and income of the Congress, including proposed registration fees is required.
- The proposal should then be sent to IUTOX via email or mail.