Toxicology Recognition Task Force (TRTF) Matrix

Toxicology Recognition Task Force (TRTF) Matrix

As a result of 2009 and 2011 surveys and subsequent meetings with its Member Societies, IUTOX has learned that an area of high interest among many members is to identify the means with which to recognize the thousands of toxicologists working in every corner of the world. With a clear mandate from the Members Societies, the IUTOX Executive Committee established a Toxicology Recognition Task Force (TRTF) and named Dr. Lewis Smith as Chair of the TRTF.

In January 2011, Dr. Elaine Faustman, IUTOX Secretary-General, developed a survey to determine the level of interest in toxicology recognition issues among IUTOX Member Societies. The survey was sent to two groups:

  • IUTOX Member Society points of contact (typically the President and Secretary-General)
  • Two individuals designated by each Member Society to participate in the survey.

IUTOX received responses from every region where Member Societies exist; many with detailed comments.

Analysis of the survey results showed the following:

  • Nearly unanimous interest for a global directory from individuals and Member Societies.
  • About 50% of Member Societies indicated they are already involved in some type of certification effort at the national level.
  • Certification definitions vary greatly from one group to another. In some cases, the Member Society provides registration; in other cases, the societies are just starting to consider efforts in this area.
  • Some Member Societies offer their members continuing education courses and networking opportunities, but do not independently undertake an organized way to recognize the toxicologists working in their country or region.

Dr. Elaine Faustman has developed the TRTF Matrix to help identify currently utilized systems of recognition and to serve as a resource of model systems for this purpose in developing nations.

From the start, IUTOX has recognized the great challenge of the initiative to create this resource due to the number of organizations that already have well-established registration and certification programs in place. IUTOX has no intention of replacing these programs and sees tremendous value in working together with the leadership of these programs to collaborate on a successful approach to recognize toxicologists working around the world.

IUTOX leadership believes that finding a way to recognize toxicologists on an international basis will help develop the toxicology profession as a whole. Part of this long-term goal is envisioned to mutually recognize the existing certification and registration processes already available around the world and address solutions for mutual recognition of certifications and registries that already exist in countries or regions for senior scientists.